product management team
How to encourage change by building trust
Relationships based on trust are vital in business. When you have the trust of your team you see morale lift and motivation soar, and without it things can easily become chaotic. How do you build trust as a leader and how can that help to encourage positive change in your organisation? Below, we speak to Read more »
I want to be a Product Owner: The Hard Truths Revealed
Before the pandemic, many organisations had already chosen to go agile. The pandemic has however stress tested our agility (or ‘wagility’) with deep embedded, organisational processes and roles being challenged. Similarly organisations who resisted agile in the past are realising they need to be agile to survive and thrive both during and after the pandemic. Read more »
Best Practices for Designing Products That are Desirable, Viable, and Feasible
The ultimate goal of any product team is to design products that are desirable, viable, and feasible. To achieve this, and drive rapid validation and iteration cycles, teams need to constantly refine their understanding of three key questions. These are: Who is my customer? What is their problem? What is the best, lightest solution I Read more »
The Benefits of Attending MTP Engage as a Team
Have you ever asked your boss if you can attend a conference, only to be told that someone else in your team is going, and they’ll report back what they’ve learned? It’s disappointing, isn’t it? While there is a lot of value in someone reporting back to a team, it assumes that the only reason Read more »
When do you let go of Process and Accept Controlled Chaos?
I’ve worked at two different startups, going from beta to 1.0 as the first non-founding member of the product team. Surprisingly, I had a completely different experience at each startup, even though they were both open source databases. If I were forced to prioritize (as all product managers naturally tend to do) and choose the most Read more »
Effective Storytelling to Motivate and Align Your Team by Anna Marie Clifton
As product managers, we often talk in data points. For instance, we have X number of monthly active users, we want to grow subscriptions by X amount, this feature is expected to increase logins by X. However, when we start listing out data points, our listeners’ eyes begin to glaze over. As humans, we’re not Read more »
How JustGiving Crowdfunding Went From an Idea to £100m in Five Years
JustGiving’s goal is to grow the world of giving, enabling more money to be raised for good causes through the use of technology. Initially JustGiving supported only registered charities on its website, but the founders’ vision was to support all good causes. In 2012, when I was working as part of the JustGiving team responsible Read more »
Failure is Yours, Success Belongs to the Team by Tessa Cooper
Summary: A ProductTank London talk that advises you accept that you are part of any failure that happens and be specific about the issues that you face. This helps you to work through them as a team and sets an example for others to follow. When success does come, make sure you expose the specific Read more »
Creating Good Roadmaps: 6 Practical Steps for Product Leaders
Much has been written about the process of creating product roadmaps, not least the six great articles written by my own team. But there has been surprisingly little written about a product leader’s role in the process. I believe the actions of a product leader all too often are the root cause of a “bad” roadmap. Without Read more »