Sometimes you just need to ask a question or debate a solution. Sometimes you want a second opinion on something you’re building. Sometimes you just want to vent and get commiserations from fellow product managers. The Mind the Product Slack channel is an amazing tool for all of this and more – and we have 60,000+ product managers actively engaged every day. Join us!
If someone is doing something you don’t understand or agree with, give them the benefit of the doubt and talk it over. There is zero tolerance for toxic, destructive behavior.
If you see something out of place or someone who is not respectful of these guidelines, feel free to DM the Slack moderators:
@Steffania Crivellaro
@Amit Godbole
@Kelly Newman
@Tom Elliott
Your active participation makes this a thriving and valuable community, take time to engage with others by responding and offering constructive feedback. For example, if someone asks for feedback, take a moment to provide your constructive thoughts. It goes a long way.
Meaningful conversations make this space enriching for all of us!
Discussions and debates make this community awesome! Keep it civil and avoid personal attacks, and we’ll all get along just fine.
Post your product vacancies in #careers to reach 1700+ people open for work! Make sure you first post vacancies on (it’s free), and we’ll promote them *everywhere*, including Slack.
If you’ve written an awesome blog post, we’d love to see it in the #freshcontent channel. If you wrote or are organizing something that’s relevant to the current discussion in some other channel, then add to the conversation and explain why it’s interesting.
Feel free to post in #feedback if you’d like some feedback about your product. Don’t post anything that specifically promotes a product, or an irrelevant community, whether it is yours or someone else’s. If you do, we’ll likely remove it.
Use the help channel #how-to-mtp-slack to ask the moderators questions about where and how to ask a question or make a post.
We have zero tolerance for spam either in slack or via email addresses scraped from slack, and we will never sell or share your email addresses to anyone. DO NOT MASS DM PEOPLE, your account will be deactivated without warning. We’re a community for product people to share what they know and hone their craft.
When posting, pick one channel – don’t post the same thing across multiple channels. The channels are there for a reason – to allow our audience to choose what they want to see – so pick the most appropriate one (almost never #general) and only post your message there. Posting in multiple channels won’t get you more responses – just more upset community members and we will remove duplicate posts in the inappropriate channels.
When possible, please use threads. For instance, if you’re commenting on a topic that somebody else wrote about — reply in the thread rather than posting a brand new comment altogether. It just makes it easier for everyone to read and follow.
If you aren’t following these House Rules, and are making it difficult to create an awesome product management community, you will be asked to leave.
#how-to-mtp-slack Use this channel to ask where to post, how to post, or what etiquette to follow regarding a post you haven’t made yet. Our moderating team will guide you to an acceptable and successful MTP Slack experience.
#general: This channel is a place where we’ll post information about upcoming events + other resources. But don’t worry, we may use the @channel a couple of times a year, but never more than that.
#Intros: This channel is a place where you can introduce yourself to the community.
#advice: Are you facing a situation and not quite sure how to best approach it? You can ask your fellow product people here — and are likely to get some great advice!
#careers: Looking to add product people to your team? Post any open roles here! There’s no fee, and you may find your next best product person as a result. Also, looking for new opportunities, let the community know here.
#feedback: Do you need another set of eyes on a product or feature that you’ve recently launched? Or perhaps you have something in beta that you’d like other product people to review? This is a good place to get feedback from your product peers.
#freshcontent: Did you come across a useful article, blog post, or podcast that you think other product people would be interested in? Or did you create some awesome piece of helpful content? Feel free to share it here!
#mtp-post: This is where we’ll post new articles from Mind The Product that we think you’ll find helpful.
#producttank: If you’re looking for a ProductTank group near you, or would like to start one in your area, post it here.