Enhancing Product Thinking with 5 Slides (and Practice), by Fanni Fejes

BY Chris Massey on December 14, 2020

Fanni Fejes shares a powerful coaching tool that is used at Founders Factory to help entrepreneurs develop a strong product mindset. They realised early that product management doesn’t scale, but that successful startups hinged on the founders developing a strong product mindset. To move from that problem statement to the desired outcome, they decided to help Read more »

Three Hidden Problems That can Ruin Your Agile Retrospectives

BY Ben Staples on September 1, 2020 defines a sprint retrospective as a time at the end of each sprint where the team discusses what went well, what could be improved, and aligns on specific actions the group can commit to improving for the next sprint. Retrospectives are an essential part of any organization running agile software development. I don’t care if Read more »

Adrian Franks - Creative Design Tools

BY Tremis Skeete on July 26, 2017

Adrian Franks is a design director and creative strategist at IBM, where he worked to design and develop the Creative Toolbox, helping designers and product managers familiarize themselves with the various tools available to prototype and create new products. Adrian spent about 20 years as a creative professional, and 15 years in the digital space. Read more »

Product Management Tools in Everyday Life - Oisin Zimmermann (ProductTank Oslo)

BY Jess Lane on March 27, 2017

When you first start building a product you have a lot of decisions to make. You have to figure out what to build, what to build first, and know how to explain your decisions to both yourself and your team. As the ball starts rolling, keeping track of what to deliver and when as well Read more »

Best Practices for Localisation

BY Jess Lane on February 8, 2017

Rahel Bailie (Chief Knowledge Officer at Scroll LLP) describes content as the “new front door” to your business. From the home page to the error message on your checkout- content enables customers to understand your product and connect with your brand. The process of localisation adapts your content to make it understandable and recognisable by Read more »

The Most Effective Research Tools for Gathering Customer Feedback

BY Linda Escobar on July 6, 2015

It’s no surprise that product teams at companies large and small are increasingly emphasizing methodologies to capture customer feedback early and often. Generating feedback is critical to becoming a user-centric organization, and the chart below illustrates the overwhelmingly positive stock performance of the top 10 companies on Forrester’s Annual Customer Experience Ranking when compared to the Read more »