The Lost art of Backlog Management

BY Nigel Farmer on July 16, 2020

Product management is still a young discipline, and the methods that we use are evolving all the time. Currently in the product community, topics such as product discovery, theme-based roadmaps and outcomes vs outputs are all very much in vogue, and rightly so. These are all helping to move our craft forward, and enabling teams Read more »

Let's get Physical: Product Management for Manufactured Products

BY Dustin Levy on March 21, 2018

Manufactured products can seem like a daunting area to tackle if you’re not used to hardware and manufacturing processes. In this series of posts, I’m going to examine a hypothetical scenario where you’ve been given product management responsibility for transforming a line of pedometers into a line of advanced fitness trackers and health monitors for Read more »

Product Requirements: Using a Written or Visual Framework

BY Joseph Aamidor on April 27, 2017

There’s a lot of variation in how companies document product requirements. Some are moving away from detailed, written product requirements documents (PRDs), while others are using shorter write-ups, user stories, or jobs-to-be-done formats. Some product teams are moving away from written PRDs to visual artifacts like mockups and prototypes. It’s a change in approach that’s driven by demands for more agility Read more »