Product org maturity model: A suggested framework for success

BY Yohay Etsion on July 14, 2023

Yohay Etsion, VP Product at Cognyte shares a suggested product maturity framework that can set teams up for success. Read more »

Continuous discovery by Konstantin Diener

BY Ian Haynes on February 3, 2023

In this ProductTank Heidelberg talk, Konstantin Diener, CTO and Co-founder at product design consultancy Cosee, delves into continuous discovery by sharing his experiences of designing a platform for board and card game trade fair Spiel Digital when in 2020 it needed to shift from an in-person to a digital event. Watch the video to see his Read more »

SUNDAY REWIND: Dual-Track Agile: Why messy leads to innovation

BY Louron Pratt on June 12, 2022

Dual-Track Agile is an IT development methodology where figuring out what to build is as important as the building process. In this Sunday Rewind post, we look back to delving into this methodology, looking at whether Product Managers can find the approach valuable. Read more »

Building a product manifesto

BY Paul Rehmet on December 14, 2021

As the discipline of product management matures, there is often talk in the product management community about a product manifesto — a set of aspirational principles that guide us. Here is Paul Rehmet’s take on what it should say. Read more »

Product Diligence: The New Technical Diligence – Part two

BY Drew Falkman on November 18, 2021

Technical due diligence is a lot harder than it used to be with Agile. In the second part of his series, Drew Falkman proposes a pivot from technical diligence to product diligence. Read more »

Product Diligence: The New Technical Diligence - Part one

BY Drew Falkman on October 19, 2021

Technical due diligence is a lot harder than it used to be with Agile. In this post, Drew Falkman proposes a pivot from technical diligence to product diligence. Changing our view to focus on the product strategy, development, and management practices. Read more »

Mastering your product delivery: a guide on workflow management

BY Elizabeth Hines on August 10, 2021

Workflow is a managed flow in which your work goes from its inception all the way to its creation. This may sound easy at face value, but there are many moving parts that come in and out of the workflow process and before the workflow is even devised yet, there are many steps that come Read more »

3 common product operations pitfalls

BY Adam Thomas on November 26, 2020

Product operations maximises efficiency in learning & impact. Adam Thomas highlights the key pitfalls that indicate you’re ready to operationalise the product org. Read more »

Using Retros to Create Continuous Improvement - Matt Walton on The Product Experience

BY The Product Experience on November 25, 2020

Matt Walton was one of the founders of FutureLearn, where he scaled the product team and organisation from nothing to the significant player in online education that it is today. Along the way, he learned a lot about continuous improvement of both the product and the processes for building it – including the use of Read more »

Building Successful Product Development Teams, by Simon Colmer

BY Chris Massey on November 24, 2020

Simon Colmer (at the time of this talk, the Head of Development at Access NFP Websites) spoke to ProductTank London about a developer’s perspective on what it takes to build a successful product development team. As product people, team alignment is table-stakes, and it’s crucial that we factor in multiple perspectives to create diverse, empowered teams, so Read more »