Evidence-Based Product Backlogs, by John Pagonis

BY Rebecca Freeman on October 12, 2020

In this ProductTank London talk, John Pagonis –  then UX Lead at ‘The Mortgage Works’/Founder of Zanshin labs, shares his experience of creating an evidence-based backlog. Watch the video to see the talk in full, or read on for an overview of his key points: Product Waste – Do you really have time and money to waste Read more »

The Lost art of Backlog Management

BY Nigel Farmer on July 16, 2020

Product management is still a young discipline, and the methods that we use are evolving all the time. Currently in the product community, topics such as product discovery, theme-based roadmaps and outcomes vs outputs are all very much in vogue, and rightly so. These are all helping to move our craft forward, and enabling teams Read more »

I Got 99 Problems - Learning From Jay-Z - Marc Abraham on The Product Experience

BY The Product Experience on February 19, 2020

If you listen to the end credits of the podcast every week, then you already know Marc Abraham’s voice – he’s ProductTank’s Global Coordinator, a co-curator of the Mind the Product conference, an author (of My Product Management Toolkit), and he’s got a day job as a Head of Product at ASOS.  What you might Read more »

Nail your Backlog Priorities by Figuring out Return on Effort

BY Rene Rosendahl on February 1, 2019

Prioritization of work is hard: it’s often more an art than a science. Unless you work in an organization that has mastered the delicate balance of work from a prioritized roadmap as well as customer requests, you too may often be faced with squeaky-wheel prioritization: The customer yelling the loudest (or the one who last Read more »

Take Care of the Misfit Toys: Managing End of Life Products

BY Alessandro Festa on October 31, 2018

So you’ve read all those books and articles on how to become a product manager, about how tough it is, but also how rewarding it is. Now finally you’ve become one. I remember when I moved from being a sales engineer to product manager.  I had a picture of myself in my new role. I Read more »

Growing up Lean: Lean Strategies for Maturing Products

BY Janna Bastow on March 20, 2018

Building an MVP and launching a product is actually the easy part. It’s much more difficult to manage a product in its maturity or decline stages, so I wanted to tackle the challenges of a product that’s past its initial growth stage, and share some tips on: – How to avoid becoming a feature factory, Read more »

Enter The Matrix - Lean Prioritisation

BY Andy Wicks on July 17, 2017

Prioritisation is a necessary evil of every product development lifecycle. Deciding what to build, where to focus limited resources and what customer segments to target are questions that face every organisation on a daily basis. With this being the case, why do companies prioritise so badly? Prioritisation is one of the most critical aspects of product Read more »

5 Easy Ways to Improve your Product Development Process

BY Sami Linnanvuo on March 23, 2016

Everyone gets pleasure from ticking tasks off of the todo-list, right? At least, I do. But it’s no longer fun when you feel like you’re drowning in work with too many things to do, or feel like you’re trying to juggle too many balls at once. That’s what kills motivation and creates unhappy employees. But Read more »

When the Product Backlog Runs Out

BY Serge Doubinski on March 28, 2014

You’ve got sprint planning coming up and, looking at your backlog, you see that there is nothing ready for the team to work on. I have talked to quite a few product people about this and no matter how experienced they were, all of them told me that this is a situation they’ve encountered at Read more »