The keys to a successful product pivot

BY Eira Hayward on June 19, 2023

We look at how you might pivot a product or sunset a feature to minimise the disruption and upset to your users Read more »

To pivot or to not: a guide to executing a product pivot

BY Shubhi Nigam on November 15, 2022

A pivot can change the trajectory of a company or product. In this article, Shubhi Nigam makes a case for how pivots are essential for successful businesses, and how you can follow a methodical framework to consider and implement one. Read more »

Accelerated product pivot—a pandemic lesson by Cinthia Assali

BY Jon Horvath on March 7, 2022

In this #mtpcon Digital Americas session, Cinthia Assali, Head of Product Development at Gympass reveals how the Gympass Product team tackled the pandemic challenge and quickly pivoted to digitally deliver physical activity and mental health solutions in less than a month. Read more »

The Anatomy of a Pivot by Asha Haji

BY Edward Kendall on January 1, 2021

In this November 2020 #mtpcon Digital keynote, Asha Haji, Co-Founder and COO and Founders Academy shares her recent experience of a pivot. She talks about what drives a pivot, how to decide what to pivot to, and how to manage your pivot once it’s started. Watch the video to see the talk in full. Or read on Read more »

Pivot Isn’t a 4-Letter Word - Sunil Parekh

BY Tremis Skeete on August 31, 2017

Sunil Parekh was previously VP of Product Management at Truveris – a healthcare startup based out of New York City. At the time of his talk, they worked primarily in the pharmacy benefit space, helping employers save money on costs of prescriptions, creating marketplaces for pharmacy benefits management, and developing tools for consumers to save Read more »

From Customer Interview to Business Breakthrough

BY Zack Notes on December 13, 2016

In this talk at Product Tank NYC, I describe how a class project turned into my first major product build. As head of product management at UncommonGoods, I have used the wish list redesign and its success to demonstrate the value of customer feedback, data analysis, and iterative development. It has since served as the Read more »

Video: Is purpose the new pivot?

BY Martin Eriksson on January 7, 2013

Tom Hulme is Design Director at IDEO London, where he uses a human-centred innovation approach to design new businesses, and the founder of Open IDEO, an open innovation platform. A serial entrepreneur and angel investor, he has first-hand experience in building successful enterprises and, as a result, he has a thorough understanding of business. Hulme Read more »