Looking after your mental health as a product manager

BY Nicholas Jemetta on May 12, 2022

It’s important that product managers, just as much as everyone else, are looking after their mental health. With help from Product Consultant and mental health speaker, Nicholas Jemetta, we discuss ways to look after yourself in your product management career. Read more »

How to develop a positive mental health culture as a product leader

BY Nicholas Jemetta on April 25, 2022

How can product leaders develop a positive mental health culture to ensure that their teams are supported and performing at their best? Read more »

SUNDAY REWIND: Mental Health as a Product Person – Let’s Talk

BY Imogen Schels on October 10, 2021

Today is World Mental Health Day which means there’s only one Mind the Product post we want to rewind to today: Mental Health as a Product Person – Let’s Talk. Written in 2019 by our very own Martin Eriksson and good friend Saielle DaSilva, the post touches upon some of the challenges faced by product Read more »

Mental Health as a Product Person - Let's Talk

BY Saielle DaSilva on October 10, 2019

This post was originally written ahead of World Mental Health Day in October 2019 because we both struggle with mental health and we feel it’s important to speak out and reflect on the issue of mental health at work. In this blog, we’ll share our own personal experiences, and consider how mental health problems such Read more »