Lost in Translation - how do you Localize Your Product for International Growth?

BY Jesse Walker on November 12, 2018

Have you ever opened up an exciting new app, but instead of being asked to “Sign up” you saw “რეგისტრაცია”? Maybe you’ve received a confirmation email saying “Th□nks you for you reg□ster. Conf□rm□ng here ple□se”? Or perhaps you attempted to enter your name into a text field, only to be told it contained invalid characters? Read more »

Best Practices for Localisation

BY Jess Lane on February 8, 2017

Rahel Bailie (Chief Knowledge Officer at Scroll LLP) describes content as the “new front door” to your business. From the home page to the error message on your checkout- content enables customers to understand your product and connect with your brand. The process of localisation adapts your content to make it understandable and recognisable by Read more »