Hiring Product People in AsiaPac

BY Imogen Schels on March 30, 2020

As the practice of product management develops across AsiaPac, two experts in recruitment consider some commonly asked questions and discuss the future of hiring as the Coronavirus (COVID-19) impacts working life as we know it. Our Experts John-Simon Purcell is Senior Director of Product and Technical Strategy at Naspers/Prosus, a global internet group and one of Read more »

Product Management Job Hunt: How to get an Interview and Nail it

BY Kostas Sirvydis on January 8, 2019

Whether you are moving from a product management position from one company to another or hunting for your first job in product management – it’s an exciting journey full of ups and downs. I‘ve recently been job-hunting in London and I want to share what I learned during the process. How to Present Yourself in Read more »

How to Invest at the Margins by Andy Ayim

BY James Gadsby Peet on June 27, 2018

Technology companies are developing products which shape the world we live in and the way that we experience our lives, but this is largely closed off to people from low-income groups. Barriers, both explicit and implied, exist to stop those with less from accessing these opportunities. How can we spot the potential to be exceptional Read more »

Why Product Management Should not be Responsible for Project Management

BY Tremis Skeete on November 13, 2017

Jordan Bergtraum is a management consultant with over ten years of experience in the B2B SaaS industry, mostly as a head of product for various organizations in the legal, education, facilities management, and pharmaceutical spaces. He has been responsible for product strategy, UX, and teams consisting of product and project managers. In his ProductTank NYC Read more »

Hiring a Product Manager: A Little Clarity Goes a Long way

BY Taj Moore on July 4, 2017

I was invited to appear before an audience of tech recruiters for a panel called: “Everything you’ve ever wanted to know from a technologist, but were too shy to ask.” I realized I needed a good way to explain what it had taken me a while to see in the world of product management.   Read more »

Build Strong Product Teams by Hiring Graduates

BY Thor Mitchell on February 24, 2017

Last October I took part in Digital Wave, a conference in Bournemouth that brings together over 1,000 young people between the ages of 14 and 19 to learn about the opportunities offered by a career in the technology sector. I attended the conference to represent, a project I launched last year to raise awareness Read more »