Managing Product = Managing Tension by Marc Abraham

BY Marc Abraham on October 30, 2020

In my book, Managing Product = Managing Tension, I’ve focused on what it is that impacts the products we build and how we manage them, namely; mind, matter, and moves. Each of these factors in their own right creates tension and in the book, I outline how we can make the most of these tensions Read more »

How To Manage Product Tension and Lean Into It Effectively

BY Marc Abraham on October 24, 2020

In my book, Managing Product = Managing Tension, I’ve focused on what it is that impacts the products we build and how we manage them, namely; mind, matter, and moves. Each of these factors in their own right creates tension and in my new book, I outline how we can make the most of these Read more »

The Magic in Conflict by Shaun Russell

BY Jon Horvath on March 13, 2020

In this keynote from MTP Engage Manchester, Shaun Russell explains why product people need to lean into conflict. Key Points: Conflict aversion is learned behaviour The path of least resistance is rarely the right direction The stakeholder and product manager relationship should be transparent As product people, we must lean into conflict Shaun describes a Read more »

Managing Conflicts Effectively by Parul Goel

BY Annie Witcombe on July 15, 2019

The age-old issue of conflict in the workplace: there are many reasons why we choose to avoid it, but what if we engaged with it effectively instead? In this ProductTank San Francisco talk, Parul Goel, Group Product Manager for Marketplaces at PayPal, evaluates workplace conflict following a particularly challenging conflict of her own. When Parul Read more »

Product Management Fears and how to Face Them

BY Phil Osmond on February 21, 2019

In general we product people are a courageous bunch, but beyond our confident exteriors can reside a few honest (and I would argue, healthy) fears with which we wrestle, whether we admit to it or not! I have a secret, not one I talk about often, if at all. Yet it preoccupies me as I Read more »

How to Improve Your Team’s Conflict Competence by Julia Whitney

BY James Gadsby Peet on May 30, 2018

Conflict can be a productive way to collaborate as a team, ensuring a variety of perspectives are brought into a solution. It can also push teams apart, when it is focused on personal attacks rather than ideological disagreements. Improve your team’s conflict capability and you’ll see better decisions, more intense commitment to them, people holding Read more »

Manage Conflict by Building Your Product EQ

BY Kate Leto on March 16, 2018

I introduced a concept called Product EQ when speaking about managing conflict at work at a recent ProductTank London. It’s a term that focuses on the emotional intelligence / emotional quotient competencies that were introduced by Daniel Goleman and remain essential to our craft such as influencing, teamwork & collaboration, leadership, organizational awareness, and empathy. All Read more »