3 insider secrets to boosting user adoption

BY Mya Nguyen on October 26, 2021

We all want our apps to be “sticky” because acquiring new customers can be very expensive – according to Harvard Business Review it can be 5 to 25 percent more expensive than retaining existing customers. Embedding analytics in your app is an effective way to acquire stickiness, helping you to meet the evolving needs of Read more »

My journey from Software Engineer to Product Manager

BY Ben Golden on May 11, 2021

ADVERTORIAL Throughout my career, I’ve met many people looking to make a jump into product management from a variety of other roles. I try to give them whatever advice I can, but the transition I can speak to the best is that of Software Engineer to Product Manager, as it’s the career move I made Read more »

Is it time to rethink your analytics strategy?

BY Glen Rabie on January 18, 2021

Advertorial As a product person, you know the value of analytics. Done right, these tools can enable your application to unlock a whole host of benefits for both you and users, especially when it is embedded. Read more »