Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Machine Learning (ML)
MAY 16, 2024

A no-code approach to building MVPs 

Hardik Chawla, a product lead at Amazon, explores how no-code and low-code development platforms empower product managers to build and launch MVPs without extensive coding knowledge. This article features layered insights from his own experience with these tools.

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The age-old adage "learn to code" is rapidly losing relevance thanks to the rise of low-code and no code development platforms. These tools are democratizing software development, making it accessible to a wider audience and empowering product managers to bring ideas to life without extensive coding knowledge. 

In February Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang told the World Government Summit in Dubai: "It is our job to create computing technology such that nobody has to program. And that the programming language is human; everybody in the world is now a programmer. This is the miracle of artificial intelligence." It’s a powerful vision that is at the heart of the no-code revolution, transforming how we approach software development. 

Low-code platforms remove much of the complexity of programming, providing visual interfaces and pre-built components for creating applications with minimal coding. No-code platforms take it a step further, enabling fully functional applications to be built without writing a single line of code. This is especially valuable for startups and product managers looking to rapidly build and launch minimum viable products (MVPs) by leveraging visual interfaces, pre-built components, and drag-and-drop functionality to prototype ideas, validate assumptions and get to market faster. 

1. Accelerated development cycles: By eliminating the need for extensive coding, these platforms allow product managers to prototype ideas, test hypotheses, and launch products faster than ever. They can iterate quickly based on user feedback and market demands. 

2. Democratization of development: As Huang said: "Everybody in the world is now a programmer.” These tools level the playing field, allowing product managers to tap into a broader pool of expertise. Domain experts without traditional programming skills can take part in the development process, fostering innovation and diverse perspectives. Product managers can assemble creative teams to generate ideas without worrying about the technical expertise to implement them. 

3. Increased agility and flexibility: Low-code development is less resource-intensive, enabling teams to rapidly create meaningful products. Product managers can test many ideas and adapt on the fly. 

Let's walk through the steps to build your own no-code MVP: 

Before you start, take a moment to clarify your MVP vision. Consider the following questions: 

• What pain points am I addressing? 

• What are the core functionalities my users need? 

• What can I save for future iterations?

By focusing on the most essential elements of your product, you can streamline the development process and get your MVP in front of users faster. 

In my early days as a product manager, I often struggled with feature creep. It wasn't until I learned to ruthlessly prioritize and focus on the core value proposition that I was able to build successful MVPs in record time. 

With numerous no-code platforms available, find the one that aligns with your specific needs. Consider the following factors: 

• Learning curve and user-friendliness 

• Available templates and pre-built components 

• Integration capabilities with other tools 

• Scalability and customization options 

Take the time to explore different platforms, and try out a few to find your perfect match. 

If you're new to no-code, start with user-friendly platforms like Webflow or Glide. These tools offer extensive resources, tutorials, and community support to help you get started quickly. 

While no-code platforms simplify the development process, creating a seamless user experience should still be a top priority. Here's how you can ensure your MVP's UX shines: 

• Use wireframing tools to visualize user flows 

• Leverage pre-designed UI components for consistency 

• Conduct user testing and gather feedback early on 

By putting yourself in your users' shoes and iterating based on their feedback, you can create an MVP that truly resonates with your target audience. 

In one of my previous projects, I neglected user testing and launched an MVP with a confusing onboarding process. It wasn't until I received a flood of user complaints that I realized the importance of prioritizing UX from the start. 

To make informed decisions and continuously improve your MVP, you need to embrace data from the get-go. Here's how: 

• Leverage the built-in analytics tools offered by your no-code platform 

• Define and track key metrics like user acquisition, engagement, and retention 

By collecting and analyzing data from day one, you can gain valuable insights into user behavior, identify areas that require improvement, and make informed decisions to optimize your MVP's performance. 

Integrate analytics tools like Amplitude or Heap to gain deeper insights into user behavior and make informed decisions about feature prioritization and product roadmap

Launching your MVP is just the beginning of your journey. Embrace the "launch and learn" mindset to continuously improve and refine your product based on real-world feedback. 

• Share your MVP with your target users and actively seek their input 

• Use feedback to prioritize features and improvements 

• Continuously iterate and refine your product features based on data and user insights 

By adopting a mindset of continuous improvement, you can transform your MVP into a powerful and impactful product. 

When I launched my first no-code MVP, I was hesitant to share it with a wide audience. However, once I embraced the "launch and learn" mindset and asked for feedback, I was able to iterate quickly and build a product that truly resonated with my users. 

There are several no-code and low-code platforms available, each with their own strengths and focus areas: 

No-code platforms, such as Bubble, Webflow, and Adalo, offer intuitive interfaces and pre-built components that allow users to create web applications, websites, and mobile apps without writing a single line of code. 

Low-code platforms, while still requiring some coding knowledge, bridge the gap between the simplicity of no-code tools and the flexibility of traditional development environments. Mendix, OutSystems, and Microsoft Power Apps are popular choices in this category. 

No-code and low-code platforms have already enabled the creation of highly successful applications. Bloom, a Coursera-like website developed on Webflow and other tools, raised $122 million in funding. Dividend Finance, a financing application built on Bubble, attracted $384 million in funding and processed over $1 billion in sales. 

While no-code and low-code platforms offer many benefits, they also come with some limitations. These environments provide ease of use and accessibility but at the cost of customizability compared to conventional development. Projects developed in these environments may also face scalability challenges and are not always suited for large-scale applications. Additionally, these platforms are often vendor-specific, making it difficult to switch providers, and you are reliant on the vendor for security and data privacy compliance. 

As artificial intelligence, large language models, and machine learning advance, the capabilities of no code and low-code platforms will continue to expand. Huang's vision of a world where "the programming language is human" is rapidly becoming a reality. Tools like ChatGPT are already demonstrating the potential to generate functional code from natural language instructions, blurring the lines between traditional programming and no-code approaches. In the future, domain experts may be able to harness the power of AI to build sophisticated applications tailored to their specific needs, without writing a single line of code. 

As the no-code revolution continues to unfold, product managers who embrace these tools and adapt to this new paradigm will be well-positioned to drive innovation and create successful products. The future of product development is no-code, and the possibilities are endless.