Creating New Value

BY Neal Cabage on July 16, 2014

Why is it that some products take off while others fall flat? There are many tactical reasons we can point to such as timing, competition, or product-market fit. Fundamentally though, there is one consistent truth regardless of the reason we may determine: some products create value for the market they’re serving, and some simply do Read more »

The 10 things I have learnt about Agile Product Delivery

BY Brijesh Malkan on March 12, 2014

I have a confession. I share it in the belief I am in the company of my brethren; I am an accidental product manager. Two years ago, I did not know a user story from a bedtime one. A notification from an alert. And a gherkin was still just a tasty pickle. But 24 months Read more »

Video: Lean Product Development

BY Martin Eriksson on January 14, 2014

Is your product disruptive or sustaining? There’s nothing wrong with being sustaining by the way – a disruptive company that is successful quickly becomes a sustaining company. The important thing is to understand where on this spectrum you lie because both need to think differently when it comes to everything from marketing to how to Read more »

Mind the Product 2013 - The product event of the year

BY Martin Eriksson on March 27, 2013

Last year’s inaugural product management conference was a resounding success, so we’re thrilled to invite you back for Mind the Product 2013. As you can see below, we’ve lined up a stellar speaker line up for you around the theme ‘Building Products Customers Love’. At noon (GMT) today we’ll release the Early Bird tickets. But Read more »

Beware The Dogma Of Agile And Lean

BY Martin Eriksson on May 2, 2012

The public discourse around startups, product management and UX has become a touch dogmatic for my taste lately. If you’re not following the Lean Startup(TM) to the letter, holding daily scrums, doing continuous integration, embracing failure or (pick your own buzzword) you’re apparently doing something wrong. But I think this sort of dogmatic thinking is Read more »