10 top Tips From Product's Finest Leaders

BY Imogen Schels on January 9, 2020

Here you’ll discover 10 pieces of advice from past Mind the Product leadership forums, from the very best leaders* in the business along with supporting ideas from members of the Mind the Product community. (*As our leadership forums are conducted under the Chatham House rule, you’ll not see any direct quotes from our forums. However, Read more »

5 Product Management Hacks for Product Leaders

BY Scott Colfer on November 21, 2019

As a product leader, you are the product manager for a leadership team, and the tricks you learned in product teams remain valuable, they just need a little tweak. Here, to help you, are five product management tricks and tools for every product leader. 1. Value Proposition A value proposition helps us to focus on Read more »

What do Product Managers Want From Their Bosses?

BY Petra Wille on May 14, 2019

What is the job of a product leader? How should a Head of Product, a VP of Product, or a Product Team Lead behave? Many articles have been written on this subject, most of them either by product consultants or people holding one of the above titles. But what if we ask these questions to Read more »